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Besøk fra HydroCen
Dynamisk minstevannføring i et miljødesignperspektiv: Kobling av hydrologiske og biologiske faktorer
. Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Grethe Robertsen, Lennart Hagen Schönfelder & Ola Ugedal ( 2025)
Particle image velocimetry analysis of the protective layer in embankment dams
. Nisal Deelaka Halaba Arachchige Senarathna, Theo Dezert & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2025)
Analyzing the effect of hydrodynamic damping on the wake behavior in circular blade cascades: numerical study on a global mode
. Gabriele Gaiti, Francesco Albicini, Dadi Ram Dahal & Chirag Trivedi ( 2024)
Verification of load angle characteristics of a novel counter-rotating twin harmonic PM machine using locked-rotor measurements
. Michiel Desmedt, Robert Kristoffer Nilssen & Arne Nysveen ( 2024)
Swelling minerals and swelling pressure measurement techniques for intact rocks
. Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2024)
Stability evaluation of toe supported ripraps exposed to overtopping
. Théo Dezert & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2024)
Study on the effect of frequent start-stop sequences in Norwegian hydropower plants
. Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2024)
Bærekraft innen vannkraft: Hvordan norske vannkraftprodusenter vurderer og håndterer nye muligheter
. Berit Köhler, Audun Ruud & Bente Rønning ( 2024)
Non-destructive condition assessment methodology for generator bars
. Emre Kantar & Espen Eberg ( 2024)
Flexible Hydropower Unit
. Kjetil Obstfelder Uhlen, Tor Inge Reigstad & Gunne John Hegglid ( 2024)
Flexible Hydropower Unit
. Kjetil Obstfelder Uhlen, Tor Inge Reigstad, Gunne John Hegglid & monshizadeh shohreh ( 2024)
Genetisk forskjell og struktur hos ørretbestandene i Garbergselva, Tømra, Renåa og Nea
. Sebastian Wacker, Ingerid Julie Hagen, Sten Karlsson, Erik Friele Lie, Hans Mack Berger & Torbjørn Forseth ( 2024)
Hydropower investment decisions. The ProdRisk-Shop simulator: decision support tool for revenue calculations
. Stefan Rex, Birger Mo, Linn Emelie Schäffer & Siri Gulaker Mathisen ( 2024)
Parametric Breach Model Evaluation from Laboratory Rockfill Dam Models under Overtopping Conditions
. Theo Dezert, Geir Helge Kiplesund & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2024)
Evaluation of the jet distortion by sediment erosion in the needle in the Pelton turbines
. Jim Furcio Abregu Ochoa, Jonas Scheuer, Sajan Satyal, Bjørn Winther Solemslie & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2024)
Assessing Operational Behaviour of a Hybrid Hydro-Solar Power Plant Providing Security of Supply Under Weather Uncertainty in the Nordics
. Benjamin Johansen Trondsen, Oscar Martinius Høst Steen & Alexandra Jane Sheppard ( 2024)
Stability assessment of the planned Hemja-Patichaur road tunnel in Nepal passing through weakness zones
. Bimala Piya Shrestha & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2024)
Development of in-situ rock stress map of south-western part of Norway
. Sanyam Ghimire & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2024)
Snow Storage Information in Hydropower Scheduling
. Arild Helseth ( 2024)
An overview of kelt migration in regulated rivers: status, knowledge gaps, and future directions toward safe downstream passage at hydropower facilities
. Olivia Simmons, David Aldvén, Torbjørn Forseth, Stephanie Müller, Olle Calles & Patrik Andreasson ( 2024)
Swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon kelts migrating past a hydropower plant dam: Effects of hydraulics and dam operations
. Olivia Simmons, Ana T. Silva, Torbjørn Forseth, Patrik Andreasson, Stephanie Müller & Olle Calles ( 2024)
Application of Three-Dimensional CFD Model to Determination of the Capacity of Existing Tyrolean Intake
. Asli Bor Turkben, Marcell Szabo-Meszaros, Kaspar Vatland Vereide & Leif Lia ( 2024)
Evaluation of Parametric Breach Models from Prototype and Historical Embankment Dams under Overtopping Conditions
. Theo Dezert & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2024)
Comparing methods and indices for biodiversity and status assessment in a hydropower-regulated river
. Markus Majaneva, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Hege Brandsegg, Rolf Sivertsgård, Terje Bongard & Frode Fossøy ( 2024)
Potensial for opprusting og utvidelse av vannkraft med miljødesign
. Ingrid Kristine Vilberg, Leif Lia, Tonje Aronsen, Marie-Pierre Gosselin, Atle Harby & Michael Martin Belsnes ( 2023)
NOR-HYPE: A distributed hydrological model for environmental applications in Norway
. Lennart Hagen Schönfelder & Ana Adeva Bustos ( 2023)
CFD model simulations for the purpose of optimizing secondary intakes
. Asli Bor, Marcell Szabo-Meszaros, Kaspar Vatland Vereide & Leif Lia ( 2023)
HydroFy Final Report : Recent developments in European power market design – with implications for hydropower
. Viviane Aubin, Michael Martin Belsnes & Magnus Korpås ( 2023)
Sustainable Flexibility Metrics : Measuring economic flexibility relative to environmental and structural sustainability
. Siri Gulaker Mathisen, Kristine Lund Bjørnås, Krishna Kanta Panthi, Tonje Aronsen, Markus Majaneva & Kyriaki Tselika ( 2023)
Review of Structural Mitigation Measures for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
. Jan Hrebrina, Slaven Conevski & Elena Marianne Pummer ( 2023)
Supported Placed Riprap Exposed to Overtopping: Structure from Motion Study
. Theo Jean Bernard Clotaire Dezert & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2023)
Power market models for the clean energy transition: State of the art and future research needs
. Mari Haugen, Paris L. Blaisdell-Pijuan, Audun Botterud, Todd Levin, Zhi Zhou & Michael Martin Belsnes ( 2023)
Electricity markets during a period with extreme prices - Experiences from the NordPool market
. Birger Mo, Stefan Jaehnert & Gerard L. Doorman ( 2023)
Ramping Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling
. Arild Helseth & Stefan Rex ( 2023)
Hydraulic Transient Impact on Surrounding Rock Mass of Unlined Pressure Tunnels
. Sanyam Ghimire, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Kaspar Vatland Vereide ( 2023)
3D Displacement and Axial Load of Placed Riprap Supported at the Toe: Use of Structure from Motion
. Theo Jean Bernard Clotaire Dezert & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2023)
An Expeditious Algorithm for Identification and Classification of Rotor Faults in Salient Pole Synchronous Generators
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen, Bilal Akin & Konstantinos N. Gyftakis ( 2023)
Assessment on the in-situ rock stress condition along an unlined pressure tunnel/shaft of a Norwegian Hydropower Project using numerical modeling
. Bikash Chaudhary, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Nghia Quoc Trinh ( 2023)
Rock cut slope excavated for Settling basins of Seti Khola Hydropower Project
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2023)
Optimization of Wind Scheduling for Improved Power Market Integration Through Up-Regulation Prices
. Kristin Serck-Hanssen, Hanna Birgitte Sletta, Umit Cali, Michael Martin Belsnes, Jongwhan Kwon & Marthe Fogstad Dynge ( 2023)
Short-term hydropower optimization in the day-ahead market using a nonlinear stochastic programming model
. M. Jafari Aminabadi, S. Séguin, I. Fofana, Stein-Erik Fleten & Ellen Krohn Aasgård ( 2023)
A stochastic policy algorithm for seasonal hydropower planning
. Håkon Grini, Anders Strømmen Danielsen, Stein-Erik Fleten & Andreas Kleiven ( 2023)
Energikrisen i Europa og det norske kraftmarkedet
. Michael Martin Belsnes, Mette Bjørndal, Anders Elverhøi, Kari Aamodt Espegren, Taran Fæhn & Stefan Jaehnert ( 2023)
Co-movements between forward prices and resource availability in hydro-dominated electricity markets
. Andreas Kleiven, Simon Risanger & Stein-Erik Fleten ( 2023)
Control Methods for Operation of Pumped Storage Plants With Full-Size Back-to-Back Converter Fed Synchronous Machines
. Raghbendra Tiwari, Roy Nilsen, Olve Mo & Arne Nysveen ( 2023)
Analysis of Partial Discharge Activity for Multi-Stress Accelerated Aged Stator Bars
. Birender Singh, Frank Mauseth, Espen Eberg & Emre Kantar ( 2023)
Implications of environmental constraints in hydropower scheduling for a power system with limited grid and reserve capacity
. Linn Emelie Schäffer, Magnus Korpås & Tor Haakon Bakken ( 2023)
Operation related maintenance and reinvestment costs for hydropower scheduling
. Arnt Ove Eggen & Michael Martin Belsnes ( 2023)
Approximating Ramping Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling
. Arild Helseth, Stefan Rex & Birger Mo ( 2023)
Modelling uncertainty in gas and CO2 prices – consequences for electricity price
. Birger Mo, Arild Helseth & Stefan Rex ( 2023)
Engineering Geology in Hydropower Engineering
. Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2023)
Hydropower Scheduling Toolchains: Comparing Experiences in Brazil, Norway, and USA and Implications for Synergistic Research
. Arild Helseth, Albert C.G. Melo, Quentin Ploussard, Birger Mo, Maria E.P. Maceira & Audun Botterud ( 2023)
Breach Progression Observation in Rockfill Dam Models Using Photogrammetry
. Geir Helge Kiplesund, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Leif Lia ( 2023)
Experiences with the use of bathymetric LiDAR in modelling rivers
. Knut Tore Alfredsen, Morten Stickler, Ingrid Sundsbø Alne, Ingvild Brekke, Lars Skeie & Ana Adeva Bustos ( 2023)
Dynamic hedging for the real option management of hydropower production with exchange rate risks
. Joakim Dimoski, Stein-Erik Fleten, Nils Löhndorf & Sveinung Nersten ( 2023)
Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region
. Mauro Carolli, Carlos García de Leániz, Joshua Jones, Barbara Belletti, Helena Hudek & Martin T. Pusch ( 2023)
Effective Environmental Decision Tools for Hydropower Development- DOE-Norway White Paper
. Esther S. Parish, Brenda Pracheil, Dana M. McCoskey, Atle Harby, Ana Adeva Bustos & Bendik Torp Hansen ( 2022)
Effective Environmental Decision Tools for Hydropower Development - DOE-Norway White Paper
. Ester S. Parish, Brenda M Pracheil, Dana N. McCoskey, Atle Harby, Ana Adeva Bustos & Bendik Kristoffer Torp Hansen ( 2022)
Improved Inflow Modelling for the SDDP Algorithm
. Siri Gulaker Mathisen ( 2022)
Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics
. Subhojit Kadia, Nils Rüther, Albayrak Ismail & Elena Pummer ( 2022)
Three-dimensional migratory behaviour of European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) approaching a hydropower plant
. Halvor Kjærås, Henrik Baktoft, Ana T. Silva, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Finn Økland & Torbjørn Forseth ( 2022)
Evaluating Modelling Approaches for State-Dependent Environmental Constraints in Medium-Term Hydropower Scheduling
. Sofie Aandahl Børresen & Linn Emelie Schaffer ( 2022)
Planning and design of temporary cofferdams-The case of a cofferdam failure in Bergen, Norway
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Physical and numerical research on rockfill dams subjected to throughflow due to core overtopping
. Nils Solheim Smith, Geir Helge Kiplesund, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Marius Møller Rokstad & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Estimering av effektivt antall gytefisk fra stikkprøver av ungfisk av laks - Betydning av genetiske markører, antall prøver og romlig fordeling
. Sebastian Wacker, Tonje Aronsen, Ingerid Julie Hagen, Sten Karlsson, Johan Henrik Hårdensson Berntsen & Helge Skoglund ( 2022)
Ambitiousness of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets: classification and implications for policy making
. Jyri Mustajoki, Steve Borchardt, Leonie Büttner, Berit Köhler, Robert Lepenies & Jari Lyytimäki ( 2022)
Integration of offshore wind power at Sørlige Nordsjø II
. Vegard Viken Kallset & Stefan Jaehnert ( 2022)
Optimal Operation of Hydro-Dominated Power Systems with Environmental Constraints
. Linn Emelie Schäffer, Magnus Korpås & Arild Helseth ( 2022)
Measuring the Impact of Environmental Constraints on Hydropower Flexibility
. Siri Gulaker Mathisen, Birger Mo, Arild Helseth, Johan Bladh & Jonas Funkquist ( 2022)
An Analytical quasi 2D steady-state Francis turbine model using first principles
. Pål-Tore Selbo Storli & Chirag Trivedi ( 2022)
An experimental study regarding the effect of streamwise vorticity on trailing edge vortex induced vibrations of a hydrofoil
. Kristian Forfot Sagmo & Pål-Tore Selbo Storli ( 2022)
Riprap and rockfill dam experimental models exposed to overtopping events
. Theo Dezert, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Load and Deformation Relations of Placed Riprap Model with Toe Support
. Theo Dezert, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Simplified Hydraulic Jacking Test to Assess Fracture Normal Stress for Unlined Pressure Tunnels: A Field Experiment Using the Rapid Step-Rate Test
. Henki Ødegaard & Bjørn Nilsen ( 2022)
Hydropower Scheduling with State-Dependent Discharge Constraints: An SDDP Approach
. Arild Helseth, Birger Mo, Hans Olaf Hågenvik & Linn Emelie Schäffer ( 2022)
Perspectives on the environmental implications of sustainable hydro-power: comparing countries, problems and approaches
. Knut Alfredsen, Ingeborg Palm Helland, Eduardo G. Martins & Michael Power ( 2022)
Laboratory Investigations into Stability and Breaching of Rockfill Dams Using Dynamic Structure from Motion
. Geir Helge Kiplesund & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Riprap Protection Exposed to Overtopping Phenomena: A Review of Laboratory Experimental Models
. Theo Dezert, Geir Helge Kiplesund & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
Pertinence of parametric based breach models for rockfill dams
. Styrmir Sigurjónsson, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Geir Helge Kiplesund ( 2022)
Placed Riprap Deformation Related to Axial Load at Toe Support: Physical Modelling
. Theo Dezert, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2022)
A Comprehensive Simulator for Hydropower Investment Decisions
. Hans Olaf Hågenvik, Siri Gulaker Mathisen, Arild Helseth & Birger Mo ( 2022)
Use of Data-Driven Approaches for Defect Classification in Stator Winding Insulation
. Emre Kantar, Jaume Marti Cascallo, Torstein Grav Aakre, Nina Marie Thomsen & Espen Eberg ( 2022)
A stochastic dynamic programming model for hydropower scheduling with state-dependent maximum discharge constraints
. Linn Emelie Schäffer, Arild Helseth & Magnus Korpås ( 2022)
TwinLab Digital Twin Laboratory for Hydropower
. Hans Ivar Skjelbred, Bjørnar Fjelldal, Bjørn Winther Solemslie & Ingrid Kristine Vilberg ( 2022)
Social Acceptance of Pumped Hydroelectricity Energy Storage (PHES)
. Sara Heidenreich, Berit Köhler & Oddgeir Andersen ( 2022)
Flexible sandtraps
. Kaspar Vatland Vereide, Wolfgang Richter, Ola Haugen Havrevoll, Kiflom Wasihun Belete, usha Shrestha & gasper mauko ( 2021)
Modell for kjøremønsterrelaterte kostnader
. Arnt Ove Eggen ( 2021)
Rockfill dams – downstream riprap and dam toe
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2021)
Evaluation and Comparison between Multilevel Converters for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Power Plants with Full-size Converters
. Raghbendra Tiwari, Roy Nilsen & Arne Nysveen ( 2021)
ValueFlex - the value of flexibility
. Michael Martin Belsnes, Ellen Krohn Aasgård & Liv Randi Hultgren ( 2021)
Control Strategies for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Plants with Full-size Converter Fed Synchronous Machines
. Raghbendra Tiwari, Roy Nilsen & Olve Mo ( 2021)
A synoptic history of the development, production and environmental oversight of hydropower in Brazil, Canada, and Norway
. K. Alfredsen, P.-A. Amundsen, L. Hahn, P.M. Harrison, Ingeborg Palm Helland & E.G. Martins ( 2021)
Cyclic fatigue in unlined hydro tunnels caused by pressure transients
. Bibek Neupane, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Kaspar Vereide ( 2021)
Assessing visual preferences of the local public for environmental mitigation measures of hydropower impacts—does point-of-view location make a difference?
. Berit Köhler & Håkon Sundt ( 2021)
Optimization of Hydropower Operation
. Juan I. Pérez-Díaz, Michael Martin Belsnes & Andre Luiz Diniz ( 2021)
Utvidet miljødesign i demovassdrag Nea
. Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Torbjørn Forseth, Atle Harby, Terje Bongard, Frode Fossøy & Ingerid Julie Hagen ( 2021)
Backtesting coordinated hydropower bidding using neural network forecasting
. Amanda Sæbø Bringedal, Anne-Marthe Liaklev Søvikhagen, Ellen Krohn Aasgård & Stein-Erik Fleten ( 2021)
Advanced Fault Detection of Synchronous Generators Using Stray Magnetic Field
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen & Jose Alfonso Antonino Daviu ( 2021)
Efficiency of Pressurized Rock Traps for Unlined Hydropower Tunnels
. Ola Haugen Havrevoll, Kaspar Vereide & Leif Lia ( 2021)
Modular Multilevel Converter for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants
. Raghbendra Tiwari, Roy Nilsen & Arne Nysveen ( 2021)
Regionalized linear models for river depth retrieval using 3-band multispectral imagery and green lidar data
. Håkon Sundt, Knut Alfredsen & Atle Harby ( 2021)
Compositional Features and Swelling Potential of Two Weak Rock Types Affecting Their Slake Durability
. Lena Selen, Krishna Kanta Panthi, Mai Britt Engeness Mørk & Bjørn Eske Sørensen ( 2021)
Operation of Norwegian Hydropower Plants and Its Effect on Block Fall Events in Unlined Pressure Tunnels and Shafts
. Bibek Neupane, Kaspar Vereide & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2021)
Evaluation on the Efect of Pressure Transients on Rock Joints in Unlined Hydropower Tunnels Using Numerical Simulation
. Bibek Neupane & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2021)
Leakage Vortex Progression through a Guide Vane’s Clearance Gap and the Resulting Pressure Fluctuation in a Francis Turbine
. Nirmal Acharya, Saroj Gautam, Sailesh Chitrakar, Chirag Trivedi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2021)
A conflict between traditional flood measures and maintaining river ecosystems? A case study based upon the river Lærdal, Norway
. Ana Juarez, Knut Alfredsen, Morten Stickler, Ana Adeva Bustos, Rodrigo Suarez & Sonia Seguin García ( 2021)
Investigation of sediment erosion phenomenon for different blade angle distribution in Francis runner
. Nirmal Acharya, Chirag Trivedi, Saroj Gautam & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2021)
Comprehensive Broken Damper Bar Fault Detection of Synchronous Generators
. Hossein Ehya & Arne Nysveen ( 2021)
Pattern Recognition of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in a Synchronous Generator using Magnetic Flux
. Hossein Ehya & Arne Nysveen ( 2021)
Performance Evaluation of Signal Processing Tools Used for Fault Detection of Hydro-generators Operating in Noisy Environments
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen & Tarjei N. Skreien ( 2021)
Validation of a Swimming Direction Model for the Downstream Migration of Atlantic Salmon Smolts
. Marcell Szabo-Meszaros, Ana T. Silva, Kim Magnus Bærum, Henrik Baktoft, Knut Alfredsen & Richard David Hedger ( 2021)
Internal hydro- and wind portfolio optimisation in real-time market operations
. Hans Ole Riddervold, Ellen Krohn Aasgård, Lisa Haukaas & Magnus Korpås ( 2021)
Fluid Flow and Leakage Assessment Through an Unlined/Shotcrete Lined Pressure Tunnel: A Case from Nepal Himalaya
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2021)
Rock Stress Measurements for Unlined Pressure Tunnels: A True Triaxial Laboratory Experiment to Investigate the Ability of a Simplified Hydraulic Jacking Test to Assess Fracture Normal Stress
. Henki Ødegaard & Bjørn Nilsen ( 2021)
Effects of toe configuration on throughflow properties of rockfill dams
. Geir Helge Kiplesund, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Marius Møller Rokstad & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2021)
Improved design of unlined air cushion surge chambers
. Henki Ødegaard, Kaspar Vereide & Bjørn Nilsen ( 2021)
Investigation on the Effect of Cyclic Moisture Change on Rock Swelling in Hydropower Water Tunnels
. Lena Selen, Krishna Kanta Panthi, Maximiliano R. Vergara & Mai Britt Engeness Mørk ( 2021)
Buckling analogy for 2D deformation of placed ripraps exposed to overtopping
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Leif Lia ( 2021)
. Kaspar Vatland Vereide, Birger Mo, Torbjørn Forseth, Leif Lia, Arne Nysveen & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2020)
Condition Monitoring of Wound Field Synchronous Generator under Inter-turn Short Circuit Fault utilizing Vibration Signal
. Hossein Ehya, Gard Lyng Rødal, Arne Nysveen & Robert Nilssen ( 2020)
The Noise Effects on Signal Processors Used for Fault Detection Purpose
. Hossein Ehya, Tarjei N. Skreien, Arne Nysveen & Robert Nilssen ( 2020)
Pattern Recognition of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault in Wound Field Synchronous Generator via Stray Flux Monitoring
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen & Robert Nilssen ( 2020)
Detailed Magnetic Field Monitoring of Short Circuit Defects of Excitation Winding in Hydro-generator
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen, I. L. Groth & Bruce A. Mork ( 2020)
A Practical Approach for Static Eccentricity Fault Diagnosis of Hydro-Generators
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen & Robert Nilssen ( 2020)
Riprap to resist wave and ice loads acting on the upstream slope of an embankment dam
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2020)
Experimental and Numerical Determination of the Head Loss of a Pressure Driven Flow through an Unlined Rock-Blasted Tunnel
. Jochen Aberle, Pierre-Yves T Henry, Fabian Kleischmann, Christy Ushanth Navaratnam, Mari Vold & Ralph Eikenberg ( 2020)
Applying the ProdRisk-SHOP simulator for investment decisions - HydroCen Report nr. 19
. Birger Mo & Hans Olaf Hågenvik ( 2020)
Active NPC Converter for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant
. Raghbendra Tiwari, Roy Nilsen & Arne Nysveen ( 2020)
Analytical Loss Equations for Three Level Active Neutral Point Clamped Converters
. Raghbendra Tiwari & Roy Nilsen ( 2020)
Cyclic oedometer swelling tests on rocks from North-Central Luzon, Philippines
. Lena Selen, Maximiliano R. Vergara & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2020)
Numerical simulation of pore pressure in rock joints during pressure transient in an unlined hydropower tunnel
. Bibek Neupane & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2020)
Design of unlined pressure tunnels in Norway – limitations of empirical overburden criteria and significance of in-situ rock stress measurements
. Henki Ødegaard, Bjørn Nilsen & Håvard Barkved ( 2020)
Physical model study on discharge over a dam due to landslide generatedwaves
. Netsanet Tessema, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir, Leif Lia & Asie Jabir ( 2020)
Impact on hydropower plant income from participating in reserve capacity markets
. Mari Haugen, Linn Emelie Schaffer, Birger Mo & Arild Helseth ( 2020)
Modelling of Environmental Constraints for Hydropower Optimization Problems – a Review
. Linn Emelie Schaffer, Ana Adeva Bustos, Tor Haakon Bakken, Arild Helseth & Magnus Korpås ( 2020)
Flomdempingstjenester i utvidet miljødesign - Beskrivelse og uttesting av system for klassifisering av flomdempingspotensial i regulerte vassdrag
. Bendik Kristoffer Torp Hansen & Atle Harby ( 2020)
Multimarket modelling - Application of different models to HydroCen Low Emission scenario
. Mari Haugen & Linn Emelie Schaffer ( 2020)
Can energy depletion of wild Atlantic salmon kelts negotiating hydropower facilities lead to reduced survival?
. Henrik Baktoft, Karl Øystein Gjelland, Marcell Szabo-Meszaros, Ana T. Silva, Milan Riha & Finn Økland ( 2020)
Modelling batteries - Documentation of testing of using hydropower modules to model batteries in ProdRisk and EMPSW
. Linn Emelie Schaffer ( 2020)
Nonconvex Environmental Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling
. Arild Helseth, Birger Mo & Hans Olaf Hågenvik ( 2020)
Optimization of Francis Turbines for Variable Speed Operation Using Surrogate Modeling Approach
. Igor Iliev, Erik Os Tengs, Chirag Trivedi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2020)
Description of failure mechanism in placed riprap on steep slope with unsupported toe using smartstone probes
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Oliver Gronz, Bastian Dost & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2020)
Pool-Type Fishway Design for a Potamodromous Cyprinid in the Iberian Peninsula: The Iberian Barbel—Synthesis and Future Directions
. Ana T. Silva, María Bermúdez, Jose Maria Santos, Juan R. Rabunal & Jerónimo Puertas ( 2020)
Effect of power plant operation on pore pressure in jointed rock mass of an unlined hydropower tunnel: An experimental study
. Bibek Neupane, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Kaspar Vereide ( 2020)
Variable Speed Hydropower Conversion and Control
. Tor Inge Reigstad & Kjetil Uhlen ( 2020)
An analysis on the slaking and disintegration extent of weak rock mass of the water tunnels for hydropower project using modified slake durability test
. Lena Selen, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Gunnar Vistnes ( 2020)
Detailed engineering geological assessment of a shotcrete lined pressure tunnel in the Himalayan rock mass conditions: a case study from Nepal
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2020)
Time Domain Signature Analysis of Synchronous Generator under Broken Damper Bar Fault
. Hossein Ehya, Arne Nysveen, Robert Nilssen & Urban Lundin ( 2019)
Active Compensation of Unbalanced Load Currents in Grid Connected Voltage Source Converters
. Raghbendra Tiwari & Roy Nilsen ( 2019)
Overburden criteria and design of unlined pressure tunnels
. Henki Ødegaard, Håvard Barkved & Bjørn Nilsen ( 2019)
. Lena Selen & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2019)
. Bibek Neupane, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Kaspar Vereide ( 2019)
Electricity Prices and Value of Flexible Generation in Northern Europe in 2030
. Linn Emelie Schäffer, Birger Mo & Ingeborg Graabak ( 2019)
The effects of hydrodynamics on the three-dimensional downstream migratory movement of Atlantic salmon
. Ana T. Silva, Kim Magnus Bærum, Richard David Hedger, Henrik Baktoft, Hans-Petter Fjeldstad & Karl Øystein Gjelland ( 2019)
Towards environmental design in hydropower reservoirs
. Ingeborg Palm Helland, Antti Eloranta & Stein Ivar Johnsen ( 2019)
Toe support conditions for placed ripraps on rockfill dams –A field survey
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir, Malin Fossum Asbølmo & Leif Lia ( 2019)
Non-linear flow through rockfill embankments
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Øyvind Armand Høydal ( 2019)
Solving optimal power dispatch using artificial algorithm for Nordic 44 network
. Shohreh Monshizadeh, Gunne John Hegglid & Svein Thore Hagen ( 2019)
Field testing of weak rock deformation in water tunnels: A practical review of the flatjack test
. Lena Selen, Krishna Kanta Panthi, Lloyd Tunbridge & Thomas Schönborn ( 2019)
Method for monitoring of pore pressure in jointed rock mass of an unlined headrace tunnel subjected to varying power plant operation: A case study
. Bibek Neupane, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Kaspar Vereide ( 2019)
Leakage potential through a shotcrete lined high-pressure headrace tunnel - An analysis on a case from Nepal
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2019)
Evaluation of earthquake impact on magnitude of the minimum principal stress along a shotcrete lined pressure tunnel in Nepal
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2019)
Geological challenges and geohazard monitoring of a mega engineering hydropower project in Iceland
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Jonas Thor Snæbjörnsson ( 2019)
Francis-99: Coupled simulation of the resonance effects in runner channels
. Erik Os Tengs, Live Salvesen Fevåg & Pål-Tore Selbo Storli ( 2019)
A test of the v 2-f k-epsilon turbulence model for the prediction of vortex shedding in the Francis-99 hydrofoil test case
. Kristian Forfot Sagmo & Pål-Tore Selbo Storli ( 2019)
Two-way coupled simulation of the Francis-99 hydrofoil using model order reduction
. Erik Os Tengs, Johannes Einzinger & Pål-Tore Selbo Storli ( 2019)
Environmental Constraints in Seasonal Hydropower Scheduling
. Arild Helseth ( 2019)
Numerical prediction of hill charts of Francis turbines
. Andreas Nordvik, Igor Iliev, Chirag Trivedi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
Numerical study of sediment erosion in guide vanes of a high head Francis turbine
. Nirmal Acharya, Chirag Trivedi, Nina Marie Wahl, S Gautam, Sailesh Chitrakar & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
Power Price Scenarios - Results from the Reference scenario and the Low Emission scenario
. Linn Emelie Schäffer & Ingeborg Graabak ( 2019)
Study of flow structure in erosion prone complex geometries
. Eirik Volent, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Erik Os Tengs ( 2019)
The numerical and experimental investigation of erosion induced leakage flow through guide vanes of Francis turbine
. Sailesh Chitrakar, Hari Prasad Neopane & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
Variable-speed operation and pressure pulsations in a Francis turbine and a pump-turbine
. Igor Iliev, Chirag Trivedi, Einar Agnalt & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
On the Rotor Stator Interaction Effects of Low Specific Speed Francis Turbines
. Einar Agnalt, Igor Iliev, Bjørn Winther Solemslie & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
Evaluation on the Minimum Principal Stress State and Potential Hydraulic Jacking from the Shotcrete-Lined Pressure Tunnel: A Case from Nepal
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2019)
PIV measurements and CFD simulations of a hydrofoil at lock-in
. Kristian Forfot Sagmo, Erik Os Tengs, Carl Werdelin Bergan & Pål-Tore Selbo Storli ( 2019)
Influence of slaking and disintegration effect on the stability of water tunnels for hydropower
. Lena Selen & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2019)
State-of-the-art design guidelines in the use of unlined pressure tunnels / shafts for hydropower scheme
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2019)
Effect of pressure fluctuations in long-term stability of unlined pressure shaft at Svandalsflona Hydropower project, Norway
. Bibek Neupane & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2019)
Variable-speed operation of Francis turbines: A review of the perspectives and challenges
. Igor Iliev, Chirag Trivedi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2019)
Inflow Forecasting for Hydropower Operations: Bayesian Model Averaging for Postprocessing Hydrological Ensembles
. Andreas Kleiven & Ingelin Steinsland ( 2019)
Benchmarking Hydro Operation by Use of a Simulator
. Birger Mo, Sara Martino, Christian Øyn Naversen, Gunnar Aronsen & Ole Rismark ( 2019)
Systematic Methodology for Planning and Evaluation of a Multi-source Geohazard Monitoring System. Application of a Reusable Template
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Jonas Thor Snæbjörnsson ( 2018)
Uforede luftputekammer - Tre forslag til designforbedringer
. Henki Ødegaard & Kaspar Vereide ( 2018)
Stability of Rockfill Dams FLOW THROUGH ROCKFILL
. Øyvind Armand Høydal, Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra & Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir ( 2018)
. Ganesh Hiriyanna Rao Ravindra, Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Leif Lia ( 2018)
Experimental Study of a Low-Specific Speed Francis Model Runner during Resonance
. Einar Agnalt, Petter Thorvald Krogh Østby, Bjørn Winther Solemslie & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
FME HydroCen – New Norwegian research initiative on Hydropower
. Hege Brende, Leif Lia & Bjørn Nilsen ( 2018)
MonitorX – Experience from a Norwegian-Swedish research project on industry 4.0 and digitalization applied to fault detection and maintenance of hydropower plants
. Thomas Michael Welte, Jørn Foros, M.H. Nielsen & M. Adsten ( 2018)
Electromagnetic analysis and electrical signature-based detection of rotor inter-turn faults in salient-pole synchronous machine
. Mostafa Valavi, Kari Gjerde Jørstad & Arne Nysveen ( 2018)
Analysis of Additional Eddy-Current Copper Losses in Large Converter-Fed Hydropower Generators
. Erlend Løklingholm Engevik, Mostafa Valavi & Arne Nysveen ( 2018)
Modeling and Quantifying the Importance of Snow Storage Information for the Nordic Power System
. Birger Mo, Arild Helseth & Geir Warland ( 2018)
A dynamic stress state analysis at the pressure tunnel of Upper Tamakoshi HPP, Nepal
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2018)
Swelling pressures of some rocks using different test procedures
. Lena Selen, Krishna Kanta Panthi & Maximilliano R. Vergara ( 2018)
Issues related to the long-term stability of unlined water tunnels in Norwegian hydropower projects – a case review
. Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2018)
Statistical model for dam-settlement prediction and structural-health assessment
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir, Jonas Thor Snæbjörnsson & Lars Olav Grande ( 2018)
Utvidet miljødesign: Ulike metoder for kunnskapsutvikling om rekreasjonsinteresser og landskapsopplevelse i og langs regulerte elver og vassdrag
. Margrete Skår & Berit Köhler ( 2018)
Simulation and Discussion of Models for Hydraulic Francis Turbine Simulations
. Pål-Tore Selbo Storli & Torbjørn Kristian Nielsen ( 2018)
Pressure pulsations and hydraulic efficiency at Smeland power plant
. Vegard S. Ulvan, Johannes O. Kverno & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Pressure Pulsation in a High Head Francis Turbine Operating at Variable Speed
. Daniel B. Sannes, Igor Iliev, Einar Agnalt & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Performance Comparison of Optimized Designs of Francis Turbines Exposed to Sediment Erosion in various Operating Conditions
. K.P. Shrestha, Sailesh Chitrakar, Bhola Thapa & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Simplified hydrodynamic analysis on the general shape of the hill charts of Francis turbines using shroud-streamline modeling
. Igor Iliev, Chirag Trivedi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Analysis of unlined pressure shafts and tunnels of selected Norwegian hydropower projects
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2018)
Hydrodynamic Damping of a Fluttering Hydrofoil in High-speed Flows
. Carl Werdelin Bergan, Bjørn Winther Solemslie, Petter Thorvald Haug Østby & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Experimental investigation of a Francis turbine during exigent ramping and transition into total load rejection
. Chirag Trivedi, Einar Agnalt & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Modelling the effect of hydropeaking-induced stranding mortality on Atlantic salmon population abundance
. Richard David Hedger, Julian Friedrich Sauterleute, Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Torbjørn Forseth, Ola Ugedal & Ola Håvard Diserud ( 2018)
Stabilitetsproblem og ras i vanntunneler
. Bjørn Nilsen ( 2018)
Flow measurements around guide vanes of Francis turbine: A PIV approach
. Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Bhola Thapa ( 2018)
Modelling climate change effects on Atlantic salmon: Implications for mitigation in regulated rivers
. Line Elisabeth Breivik Sundt-Hansen, Richard David Hedger, Ola Ugedal, Ola Håvard Diserud, Anders Gravbrøt Finstad & Julian Friedrich Sauterleute ( 2018)
Estimating Tunnel Strain in the Weak and Schistose Rock Mass Influenced by Stress Anisotropy: An Evaluation Based on Three Tunnel Cases from Nepal
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Pawan Kumar Shrestha ( 2018)
Investigation of the Unsteady Pressure Pulsations in the Prototype Francis Turbines -Part 1: Steady State Operating Conditions
. Chirag Trivedi, Peter Joachim Gogstad & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Roughness evaluation in shotcrete-lined water tunnels with invert concrete based on cases from Nepal
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2018)
Influence of Converter Topology and Carrier Frequency on Airgap Field Harmonics, Magnetic Forces, and Vibrations in Converter-Fed Hydropower Generator
. Mostafa Valavi, Emile Devillers, Jean Le Besnerais, Arne Nysveen & Roy Nilsen ( 2018)
The other renewable: Hydropower upgrades and renewable portfolio standards
. Stein-Erik Fleten, Johannes Mauritzen & Carl J. Ullrich ( 2018)
Experimental hydraulics on fish-friendly trash-racks: an ecological approach
. Marcell Szabo-Meszaros, Christy Ushanth Navaratnam, Jochen Aberle, Ana T. Silva, Torbjørn Forseth & Olle Calles ( 2018)
Experimental study of a Francis turbine under variable-speed and discharge conditions
. Chirag Trivedi, Einar Agnalt & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2018)
Variable-speed operation of hydropower plants: past, present, and future
. Mostafa Valavi & Arne Nysveen ( 2018)
Geohazard monitoring for reservoir and dam safety and sustainability
. Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir & Jonas Thor Snæbjörnsson ( 2017)
T3.1 Future market structures and prices : workshop summary
. Linn Emelie Schäffer ( 2017)
Investigation of magnetic field and radial force harmonics in a hydrogenerator connected to a three-level NPC converter
. Mostafa Valavi, Arne Nysveen & Roy Nilsen ( 2017)
Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Free-Flow Sediment Flushing to Increase the Flushing Efficiency: A Case-Study Reservoir in Japan
. Taymaz Esmaeili, Tetsuya Sumi, Sameh A Kantoush, Y Kubota, Stefan Haun & Nils Ruther ( 2017)
Value of information analysis of snow measurements for the scheduling of hydropower production
. Heidi Liljeblad Ødegård, Jo Eidsvik & Stein-Erik Fleten ( 2017)
Numerical and experimental study of the leakage flow in guide vanes with different hydrofoils
. Sailesh Chitrakar, Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Hari Prasad Neopane ( 2017)
Review on the prevailing methods for the prediction of potential rock burst / rock spalling in tunnels
. Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2017)
Topographic Effect in the Selection of Unlined Pressure Tunnels / Shafts - A Review of a case from Nepal Himalaya
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2017)
Analysis of magnetic forces and vibration in a converter-fed synchronous hydrogenerator
. Mostafa Valavi, Arne Nysveen, Roy Nilsen, Jean Le Besnerais & Emile Devillers ( 2017)
Blade passage modeling strategy for hydraulic turbine
. Ruzhi Gong, Chirag Trivedi, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Torbjørn Kristian Nielsen ( 2017)
Upgrading of a Norwegian pressurized sand trap combined with an open air surge tank
. Wolfgang Richter, Kaspar Vereide & Gerald Zenz ( 2017)
Influence of winding layout and airgap length on radial forces in large synchronous hydrogenerators
. Erlend L. Engevik, Mostafa Valavi & Arne Nysveen ( 2017)
Effects of lifting reactance requirements on the optimal design of converter-fed synchronous hydrogenerators
. Erlend L. Engevik, Truls Hestengen, Mostafa Valavi & Arne Nysveen ( 2017)
Demand response with shiftable volume in an equilibrium model of the power system
. Magnus Askeland, Stefan Jaehnert, Birger Mo & Magnus Korpås ( 2017)
3D in-Situ Stress Model of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project Area
. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2017)
Effects of sediment erosion in guide vanes of Francis turbine
. Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Bhola Thapa ( 2017)
Particle Image Velocimetry Investigation of the Leakage Flow Through Clearance Gaps in Cambered Hydrofoils
. Sailesh Chitrakar, Hari Prasad Neopane & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2017)
Investigations of unsteady pressure loading in a Francis turbine during variable-speed operation
. Chirag Trivedi, Einar Agnalt & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2017)
Design review of the headrace system for the Upper Tamakoshi project, Nepal
. Krishna Kanta Panthi & Chhatra Bahadur Basnet ( 2017)
Evaluation of Powerhouse Cavern for the SachKhas Hydroelectric Project in Himachal, India
. Ajender Rathore & Krishna Kanta Panthi ( 2017)
Study of the simultaneous effects of secondary flow and sediment erosion in Francis turbines
. Sailesh Chitrakar, Hari Prasad Neopane & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)
Experimental Investigation of a High Head Model Francis Turbine During Steady-State Operation at Off-Design Conditions
. Carl Werdelin Bergan, Rahul Goyal, Michel Cervantes & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)
Experimental investigation on a high head model Francis turbine during load rejection
. Rahul Goyal, Carl Werdelin Bergan, Michel Cervantes, B. K. Gandhi & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)
Velocity and pressure measurements in guide vane clearance gap of a low specific speed Francis turbine
. Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Bhola Thapa ( 2016)
Numerical investigation of the flow phenomena around a low specific speed Francis turbine’s guide vane cascade
. Sailesh Chitrakar, Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug & Hari Prasad Neopane ( 2016)
Transient pressure measurements at part load operating condition of a high head model Francis turbine
. Rahul Goyal, Chirag Trivedi, BK Gandhi, Michel Cervantes & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)
Analysis of Radial Magnetic Forces in Hydrogenerators with Fractional-Slot Windings
. Mostafa Valavi, Jules Pascal & Arne Nysveen ( 2016)
Efficiency and loss calculations in design of converter-fed synchronous hydrogenerators
. Erlend L. Engevik, Mostafa Valavi & Arne Nysveen ( 2016)
Numerical techniques applied to hydraulic turbines: a perspective review
. Chirag Trivedi, Michel Cervantes & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)
Experimental and Numerical Studies of a High-Head Francis Turbine: A Review of the Francis-99 Test Case
. Chirag Trivedi, Michel Cervantes & Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug ( 2016)