Data collection, measuring equipment and analysis

At HydroCen, we are working in the long term to collect and make measurement data available to increase understanding and improve all aspects of the hydropower plant. We do this by developing new technology to enable measurements at new locations or ways to install meters at old power plants.

Data collection, measuring equipment and analysis

At HydroCen, we are working in the long term to collect and make measurement data available to increase understanding and improve all aspects of the hydropower plant. We do this by developing new technology to enable measurements at new locations or ways to install meters at old power plants.

In Norwegian hydropower plants, it is not necessarily easy to do measurements since many of the power plants are from a time long before such measurements were possible to carry out or dream of carrying out.


More measurement data can open up new opportunities for research and monitoring of the facilities.

Often this topic is put under the umbrella of digitalisation.

For HydroCen, digitalisation is a tool for enabling and improving research in areas related to hydropower. In these areas you will find everything from overall monitoring of biology, the environment, power plants and dams.

Monitoring for better maintenance and troubleshooting

The work in HydroCen is, among other things, about monitoring the condition of power plant components such as generators, turbines and transformers.

In addition, there is a desire to establish a system where models of different components can be linked together so that they can be studied together under the same conditions.

It is a desire to be able to use the information you get from this work to notice when something is wrong, or even better, notice that something is soon going to be wrong. This can be done both by finding a kind of fingerprint that is linked to a specific error in e.g. the turbine or through advanced machine learning to see patterns in the data that were previously not possible.


Bjørn Winther Solemslie, NINA/NTNU

Kaspar Vereide, NTNU

Arne Nysveen, NTNU

Birger Mo, SINTEF Energi





About HydroCen

We are a research center for environmentally friendly energy.

Researchers will deliver knowledge and innovative solutions to Norwegian hydropower.

The goal is for the research to contribute to Norwegian hydropower being able to meet complex challenges and opportunities in the future's renewable energy system.

Norwegian University of Science and technology (NTNU) is the host institution and main research partner in HydroCen together with SINTEF Energy and the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA). HydroCen has around 50 national and international partners from research, industry and administration.

About the Knowledge Hub

The goal of the Knowledge Hub is to collect and make available the knowledge from the research in HydroCen so that the results can be used directly by the hydropower industry or in further research, thereby helping to ensure value creation and societal benefit.

Newsletter from HydroCen

We regularly send out newsletters with research results and news. Please register here:


Bjørn Winther Solemslie, NINA/NTNU

Kaspar Vereide, NTNU

Arne Nysveen, NTNU

Birger Mo, SINTEF Energi





About HydroCen

We are a research center for environmentally friendly energy.

Researchers will deliver knowledge and innovative solutions to Norwegian hydropower.

The goal is for the research to contribute to Norwegian hydropower being able to meet complex challenges and opportunities in the future's renewable energy system.

Norwegian University of Science and technology (NTNU) is the host institution and main research partner in HydroCen together with SINTEF Energy and the Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA). HydroCen has around 50 national and international partners from research, industry and administration.

About the Knowledge Hub

The goal of the Knowledge Hub is to collect and make available the knowledge from the research in HydroCen so that the results can be used directly by the hydropower industry or in further research, thereby helping to ensure value creation and societal benefit.

Newsletter from HydroCen

We regularly send out newsletters with research results and news. Please register here:


Using environmental DNA to determine how hydropower affects biodiversity in rivers

Author: Juliet Landrø

Researchers from HydroCen have taken over 400 DNA samples from Norwegian rivers. The aim is to analyze as many as 800 samples nationally to investigate how various forms of hydropower affect species living in the river. Ultimately, the goal is to help the hydropower industry produce more sustainable renewable energy.