Results  /  TwinLab-Digital twin laboratory for hydropower

TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower

Norwegian hydropower plants are currently undergoing a digital transformation in which access to, and utilization of, data are crucial. Within the HydroCen project, researchers have established a laboratory for developing digital twins. 

TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower

Norwegian hydropower plants are currently undergoing a digital transformation in which access to, and utilization of, data are crucial. Within the HydroCen project, researchers have established a laboratory for developing digital twins. 

HydroCen newsletter


Ingrid Vilberg, SINTEF Energy

Project information

Project name:
TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower


Work package in HydroCen:

Market and services



TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropowerIngrid Vilberg, Hans Ivar Skjelbred, Bjørnar Fjelldal, Håkon Toftaker, Mauro Carolli, Ana Adeva Bustos og Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen. Trondheim 2023

Handbooks and tools

TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropowerIngrid Vilberg, Hans Ivar Skjelbred, Bjørnar Fjelldal, Håkon Toftaker, Mauro Carolli, Ana Adeva Bustos og Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen. Trondheim 2023


Project information

Project name:
TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower


Work package in HydroCen:

Market and services



TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropowerIngrid Vilberg, Hans Ivar Skjelbred, Bjørnar Fjelldal, Håkon Toftaker, Mauro Carolli, Ana Adeva Bustos og Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen. Trondheim 2023

Handbooks and tools

TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropowerIngrid Vilberg, Hans Ivar Skjelbred, Bjørnar Fjelldal, Håkon Toftaker, Mauro Carolli, Ana Adeva Bustos og Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen. Trondheim 2023

HydroCen newsletter

TwinLab - Project overview

In this video Hans Ivar Skjelbred presents an overview of the background and objectives for TwinLab, including the various test cases within digitalization in hydropower.

TwinLab - Virtual infrastructure

This video with Bjørnar Fjelldal from SINTEF Energy Research gives a quick introduction to the TwinLab virtual infrastructure which is based on the SINTEF Energy Virtual Lab (vLab). You will see the general tech stack, and have a quick live demo on how to access and work with the TwinLab/vLab.

TwinLab - Francis turbine crack detection

Håkon Toftaker presents the test case of using TwinLab for data analysis and detection of a cracked blade in a model Francis runner. This test case is based on a previous master thesis in the Waterpower Laboratory at NTNU [1], where the aim was to detect a blade damage in the model runner. [1]: Støren, G.K. 2021. Signature investigation of typical faults on a Francis turbine. Master thesis.

TwinLab - Introduction to implementing environmental models and tools

In this video Mauro Carolli is introducing the test cases on implementing environmental models and tools in TwinLab.

TwinLab - Implementing Google Earth Engine

In this video Mauro Carolli is presenting the test case on implementing Google Earth Engine (GEE) in TwinLab.

TwinLab - Implementing GIS tool GRASS

Mauro Carolli presents TwinLab test case on implementing GIS tool GRASS.

TwinLab - Implementing hydrological model HYPE

Mauro Carolli is presenting TwinLab test case on implementing the hydrological model HYPE

TwinLab - Introduction to implementation of hydraulic model TELEMAC

In this video Ana Adeva-Bustos from SINTEF Energy Research gives an introduction to TwinLab test case on implementing hydraulic model TELEMAC-MASCARET.

TwinLab - Pre-processing for TELEMAC

Ana Adeva-Bustos presents the procedure for pre-processing for using TELEMAC MASCARET in TwinLab.

TwinLab - Running TELEMAC

Ana Adeva-Bustos demonstrates the use of TELEMAC MASCARET in TwinLab.

TwinLab - Post-processing for TELEMAC

Ana Adeva-Bustos presents the procedure for post-processing for TELEMAC MASCARET in TwinLab.

TwinLab - Next steps towards a digital twin of a catchment

In this video Ana Adeva-Bustos presents the final remarks on the implementation of environmental models and tools in TwinLab and the steps towards a digital twin of a catchment.
