Workshop: Towards zero-carbon power markets
Author: Juliet Landrø

Workshop: Towards zero-carbon power markets

Researchers from Europe and USA are working together to find solutions to challenges that arise in energy systems as we transition towards a zero-emission energy system, with a particular focus on the roles and opportunities of hydropower. The work from the project HydroFai was recently summed up in a workshop where experts from Argonne and Pacific North-West national laboratories and HydroCen presented information about developments in electricity market designs in Europe and the United States. 

The workshop material is provided below.


Electricity market design in zero carbon systems. Experiences and insights for hydropower in the United States and Norway. Audun Botterud

Current Power Market Operation Perspectives

Current developments in the Nordic power market
    Bjørn Harald Bakken, Head of Section Reserves and Flexibility, Statnett

Power producers' perspectives and experiences
    Niklas Kalvø Tessem, Renewables Norway, Head of Brussels office.

Design and operations of the U.S. power markets: Status and outlook.
    Erik Ela, Technical Executive, EPRI

Regional power markets: Perspectives and experiences from the West
   Vijay Satyal, Deputy Director of Regional Markets, WRA

Research Findings: Electricity Market Design for a Zero-Carbon-System.Experiences and Insights for Hydropower in the United States and Norway.

Findings from: Fair and inclusive markets for Hydropower - HydroFai 
Viviane Aubin (NTNU) and Michael Belsnes (SINTEF)

Findings from: Market design and operations in zero-carbon systems
Mark Noll (ANL, Northwestern) and Konstantinos Oikonomou (PNNL)

Argonne and Pacific North-West national laboratories are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s HydroWires initiative

Contact persons: 

Michael Belsnes, SINTEF Energy

Audun Botterud, Argonne National Laboratory.


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