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TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower
Author: Juliet Landrø

TwinLab - Digital twin laboratory for hydropower

Norwegian hydropower plants are currently undergoing a digital transformation in which access to, and utilization of, data are crucial. Within the HydroCen project, researchers have established a laboratory for developing digital twins. 

A digital twin is a tool that can be developed for efficient decision-making and operation of hydropower plants. It combines both numerical simulations and real-time measurements data to best represent the system. Developing a digital twin of a hydropower plant requires various models and data for hydrology and inflow in the catchment area, tunnel, waterway, turbine and generator. 

Testing hypotheses in real-time 

TwinLab was developed through HydroCen and is a digital collaborative platform with the necessary data infrastructure to combine numerical simulations and real-time measured data. TwinLab aims to enhance collaboration among researchers and students from various disciplines and consolidate code and data from different fields to develop digital twins of hydropower plants. In TwinLab, methods and models can be tested in a relevant environment using data from operational power plants for efficient hypothesis testing and development.  

Power producers can connect to the digital laboratory 

The digitalization of hydropower and the development of digital twins is an interdisciplinary topic that encompasses various disciplines within hydropower, as well as IT and data science. TwinLab aims to enhance collaboration across these disciplines and facilitate the faster adoption of digital solutions, new methods, and models within the hydropower industry. 

In this project, a method for secure power streaming has been demonstrated in collaboration with Skagerak Kraft. Additionally, multiple power companies can also connect to TwinLab and make relevant data from their power plants accessible if desired. 

Several pilot projects have been conducted to demonstrate the utilization of TwinLab for various applications within the field of hydropower and digitalization. 

  • Make real-time data from the hydropower laboratory accessible 
  • Make real-time data from the Grunnåi power plant accessible and utilize it in collaboration with Skagerak Kraft 
  • Analyze laboratory data for detecting runner blade damage 
  • Develop a model for real-time estimation of turbine efficiency 
  • Test and incorporate simulation models for hydrology and river hydraulics into TwinLab 

The researchers have made video briefs describing the use of TwinLabs.


Hans Ivar Skjelbred,SINTEF Energy

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