Results  /  The value of research

What is the value of research? 

Research on environmentally friendly energy pays off, and some research projects have even quadrupled the creation of value compared to the original research cost. This is according to a report from Menon Economics.

What is the value of research?

Research on environmentally friendly energy pays off, and some research projects have even quadrupled the creation of value compared to the original research cost. This is according to a report from Menon Economics.

The report shows that the research is both profitable when you look at potential future effects and already realized effects of the research, since the Research Council of Norway began funding research into environmentally friendly energy.

Since the Norwegian Parliament approved the first climate settlement in 2008, allocation of money for research on environmentally friendly energy have increased annually, and in 2017 almost 800 million NOK was distributed via the Research Council of Norway to support the research.

Requested documentation that the research is worthwhile

A report was requested in 2018, which examined the impact of these investments, i.e. how much have we earned from investing in research on environmentally friendly energy?

The results clearly states that research on environmentally friendly energy pays off, both when looking at already realized effects and at potential effects in the future. Although there were only 48 projects out of a portfolio of approx. 670 projects that were assessed, they believe there is likely to be large effects also in the projects that are not included in the study.

The report was carried out and written by Impello Management and Menon Economics, where they identified some of the most important results and innovations form the period after settlement (2008-2018). Analyzes were then carried out to look at the effect of these results. The results used in the report are in collaboration with eight of the period's research centers for environmentally friendly energy (FME), including HydroCen.


Aim: Calculate the effect of investments for research into environmentally friendly energy

Carried out by: Impello Management AS and Menon Economics

48 out of 670 projects from 8 different thematic areas were reviewed

Achieved and/or potential impact assessed

Quantified effects and potential:

  • Economic effect
  • Reduced energy use
  • Reduced emissions

Non-quantified effects and potential:

  • Reduced material use
  • Increased production/use of renewable energy
  • Increased safety, reduced risk and health benefits
  • Increased security of supply
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Better decision making
  • Strengthened education and recruitment to the area
  • Development of strong national research environments

Reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

The cost of the 48 case projects was around NOK 4 billion. The realized economic effect for the period is NOK 16 billion in Norway alone, i.e., a fourfold increase. The potential effect of the research is estimated to be 25 times the invested sum when Europe is included. 

The study includes 48 cases selected from a portfolio of approx. 670 projects. These have received funding from the Norwegian Research Council's program initiatives RENERGI, ENERGIX, CLIMIT and FME in the period 2008-2017.

In addition to the economic effect, the research has also led to a reduced energy consumption by 26 TWh per year in the Norwegian and European industry, and greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by 25 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

The hydropower industry has adopted several innovations

Within hydropower, 55 large research projects were carried out in the period 2008-2017. 24 innovations were developed, several of which have already been adopted by industry and administration. The hydropower industry has already adopted several innovations. Increased knowledge about dams, waterways and turbines, measurement and use of data for planning maintenance and avoiding unplanned failure, tools for simulating the best possible utilization of the water and new methods for carrying out systematic environmental analyzes are among the innovations.

An overview of innovations from the hydropower research area. Six of these have been studied in more detail with regards to results, potential effects and realized effects.

In addition to innovations, the research funds have also led to the graduation of 60 PhD and post.doc candidates, and 275 master's candidates. This was a request from partners in the research centres.


Project information

Project name:
Effekter av energiforskning: Effektstudie av realiserte og potensielle effekter fra norsk energiforskning som har vært finansiert av RENERGI, ENERGIX, FME og CLIMIT i perioden 2008-2017.



  • The Research Council of Norway
  • Impello Management
  • Menon Economics
  • FME HighEFF
  • FME HydroCen
  • FME SuSolTech
  • FME Bio4Fuels


Effekter av energiforskningen - Hovedrapport

Impello Management AS (2018)

Handbooks and tools

Newsletter from HydroCen


Project information

Project name:
Effekter av energiforskning: Effektstudie av realiserte og potensielle effekter fra norsk energiforskning som har vært finansiert av RENERGI, ENERGIX, FME og CLIMIT i perioden 2008-2017.



  • The Research Council of Norway
  • Impello Management
  • Menon Economics
  • FME HighEFF
  • FME HydroCen
  • FME SuSolTech
  • FME Bio4Fuels


Effekter av energiforskningen - Hovedrapport

Impello Management AS (2018)

Handbooks and tools

Newsletter from HydroCen
