På nett med nepalsk vannkraftkonferanse
Author: Silje Margrethe Nessjø Larsen

På nett med nepalsk vannkraftkonferanse

Ti studenter fra NTNU/HydroCen bidrar med videopresentasjoner etter at Kathmandu University ble nødt til å holde vannkraftkonferanse på nett.

Konferansen, som startet som et møte mellom norske og nepalske studenter for ti år siden, har som mål å samle studenter, forskere og eksperter innen vannkraft.

Hvert år reiser derfor en delegasjon av studenter fra NTNU til Nepal for å besøke universitetet og turbinlaboratoriet (på bildet øverst i saken) i hovedstaden Kathmandu. COVID-19 satte en stopper for årets konferanse, men nå er alle foredragene publisert online.

– Det er imponerende å se hvordan denne konferansen har utviklet seg. Det er flott å se det vitenskapelige nivået, og at den har ført til møter mellom forskere og folk, sier professor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug.

Kathmandu University er en av partnerne i HydroCen og flere  av prosjektene i HydroCen jobber også med problemstillinger knyttet til vannkraft i Himalaya-regionen, og masterstudentene er knyttet til disse.

– Norge og Nepal har til felles at vi har høye fjell og mye vann, jeg tror Nepal kan få en lignende utvikling som Norge har hatt innen vannkraft de siste hundre årene, bare raskere, sier han.

Men vannkraft i Himalaya reiser mange spørsmål til blant annet teknologi, miljø og bærekraft.

–Vi vil gjerne bidra til å finne svar på de nye forskningsspørsmålene som nå dukker opp, og jeg mener at god utdanning, studentutveksling og forskersamarbeid vil bidra til det, sier han.


Her forteller professor Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug om bakgrunnen for samarbeidet mellom NTNU og Kathmandu University og hvordan Nepal og Norge har vannkrafta til felles

Her er programmet for konferansen:

Remarks by the Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha

Welcome note by Prof. Bhola Thapa

Introduction to TTL and CRHT by Dr. Sailesh Chitrakar 

Keynote Presentations

1. KU-NTNU cooperation within hydro turbines, Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug
2. Green hydrogen as a future multi-disciplinary research at Kathmandu University, Asst. Prof. Biraj Singh Thapa
3. Cooperation between WHU and KU in hydropower, Prof. Zhongdong Qian

Technical PresentationsSession I – Pump Technology

1. Design of a reversible pump turbine (CRHTX-1), Jan-Karl Lasse Escher
2. Average-value modelling of a Variable Speed Pumped-Storage plant (CRHTX-3), Jørgen Hagset Stavnesli
3. Design of a contra-rotating booster pump (CRHTX-4), Ingrid Befring Hage
4. Numerical simulation of cavitation on a Reversible Pump Turbine (CRHTX-18), Johan Christian Jenssen
5. An experimental investigation of PAT in direct and reverse mode at Turbine Testing Lab (CRHTX-21), Samita Rimal
6. Opportunity for research and manufacturing of pump in Nepal (CRHTX-47), Nischal Pokharel

Session II – Numerical Investigations

1. Design optimization of Francis turbine draft tube (CRHTX-5), Ingelin Herland
2. Vortex generators effect on trailing edge wake and fluid structure interaction (CRHTX-11), Hasan Besirovic
3. Performance analysis of gravitational water vortex power plant using scale-down model (CRHTX-24), Ashish Sedai
4. Design and optimization of butterfly valve disc using numerical simulation (CRHTX-28), Bikki Chhantyal
5. Numerical investigation of flow field and performance of the Francis turbine of Bhilangana-III hydropower plant (CRHTX-34), Ram Thapa
6. Numerical investigation on the effects of leakage flow from Guide vane-clearance gaps in low specific speed Francis turbines (CRHTX-45), Saroj Gautam
7. Method of erosion prediction hill diagram to investigate the performance of Francis turbine operated in sediment laden water (CRHTX-46), Ram Lama

Session III – Experimental Investigations

1. Test of a Francis turbine with variable speed operation (CRHTX-6), Gro Mari Kjellstadli Langleite
2. Uncertainty evaluation of efficiency measurement in laboratory conditions (CRHTX-26), Prabin Dhakal
3. Effect of welding pattern during repair and maintenance of Francis runner on sediment erosion: An experimental investigation using RDA (CRHTX-38), Devendra Sharma
4. Investigation of mechanical properties of Brass Francis turbine manufactured by local investment casting technique in Nepal (CRHTX-42), Sangit Kattel
5. Experimental and CFD study of influence of sediment size on efficiency of hydrocyclone for use as filtration device (CRHTX-43), Aman Kapali

Session IV – Design and Manufacturing of turbines

1. Development of a model of Pelton runner for laboratory testing (CRHTX-20), Raman Budhathoki
2. Enhancement of design and manufacturing capacity of Francis turbine in Nepal (CRHTX-27), Roshan Raj Mainali
3. Application of Reverse Engineering method to model eroded Francis runner (CRHTX-41), Ashish Sedai
4. A review on casting technology with the prospects on its application for hydro turbines (CRHTX-44), Abishek Kafle
5. Design of Francis turbine for micro hydropower applications (CRHTX-48), Amul Ghimire

Session V – Components of Hydropower

1. Analysis and improvement of  a mathematical turbine model (CRHTX-2), Ane Følgesvold Reines
2. Pressure pulsations at Iveland Hydropower Plant (CRHTX-13), Erlend Røneid
3. Signature investigation of typical faults on Francis turbines (CRHTX-15), Gine Kirkebøen Støren
4. How to reduce gas supersaturation from hydropower plants (CRHTX-16), Maren Elise Rognerud
5. Technical investigation of Nepalese electricity market – An econometric modelling approach (CRHTX-17), Nawaraj Sanjel
6. Design and construction practices of hydropower tunnel in the Nepal Himalaya (CRHTX-30), Sujan Karki
7. Tunnel support design in fault zone in hydropower tunnel in the Himalaya: A case study (CRHTX-31), Bimal Chhushyabaga

